$99,900 cad

Price includes house with local delivery and lowering onto foundation. Prices may vary based on final location, site accessibility, utility line work involved and/or barging requirements.

Reference #: 02-21-6004

Listing Information

Listing Name: OLIVER WOODS
Listing Status: Available
Location: North Island, British Columbia
Local Office: Nanaimo

Listing Details

Square Footage: 1,300 sq.ft
Dimensions: 38' X 32'
Style: Bungalow
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms 1
Floors: Linoleum; Carpet
Windows: Thermal Vinyl
Heat Type: Forced Air
Roof: Asphalt Shingle
Exterior: Stucco

Listing Features

Let me tell you a little bit about this groovy 60’s style classic. Can you “dig it?!”  This “far-out” cool cat has an updated roof.  You know what’s even “cooler”?! You’ll be “stoked” because this low roofline makes this an “unreal” mover.  Don’t get “hung-up” on the bottom floor…this “boss” is the top half only.  You can “hang loose” and keep this a rancher…or “jazz” it up and build a large lower floor to your liking.  Are you ready to “freak out” yet?!
This house will “keep on truckin” to your own pad.  Don’t let your dream of a recycled home be “outta-sight!”  This “unreal” rancher home is a “cherry”.
Call your local office today to schedule a viewing!

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